Vision 43

Highway 43 Logo

Exciting Changes Coming to Highway 43 - Help Shape the Corridor’s Future!

The City of West Linn is teaming up with community members to craft a vision for revitalizing the Highway 43 corridor.

What do you imagine? What changes would create the community you want to live in? Safer crossings along Highway 43? Bustling commercial hubs? Enhanced neighborhood connections? Diverse housing options, parks, and vibrant spaces for people through mixed-use zoning?

Help us create a vibrant destination corridor where living, shopping, relaxation, recreation, and entertainment meet. Get engaged now and make your voice heard in the transformation of Highway 43!

Project Goals

Create a New Community Vision for Highway 43:

Promote development of diverse housing options, parks, shops, and workspaces for people of all ages, incomes, and abilities

Identify Necessary Zoning Changes to Implement the Community's VIsion

Facilitate the development of thriving mixed uses that cater to the community needs, contributing to a vibrant local economy

Ensures Safe Crossing Points and Neighborhood Connections:

Identify near-term and long-term safe crossing points on Highway 43 for all modes of transportation

Establish pedestrian connections that seamlessly link residents to essential goods and services and to neighboring communities, enhancing overall connectivity

Amend Development Code to Align with the Vision

Study Area

The Vision 43 study area consists of the 3.3-mile corridor from the I-205 interchange to the West Linn/Lake Oswego border.

Exciting Changes Coming to Highway 43 - Help Shape the Corridor’s Future!

The City of West Linn is teaming up with community members to craft a vision for revitalizing the Highway 43 corridor.

What do you imagine? What changes would create the community you want to live in? Safer crossings along Highway 43? Bustling commercial hubs? Enhanced neighborhood connections? Diverse housing options, parks, and vibrant spaces for people through mixed-use zoning?

Help us create a vibrant destination corridor where living, shopping, relaxation, recreation, and entertainment meet. Get engaged now and make your voice heard in the transformation of Highway 43!

Project Goals

Create a New Community Vision for Highway 43:

Promote development of diverse housing options, parks, shops, and workspaces for people of all ages, incomes, and abilities

Identify Necessary Zoning Changes to Implement the Community's VIsion

Facilitate the development of thriving mixed uses that cater to the community needs, contributing to a vibrant local economy

Ensures Safe Crossing Points and Neighborhood Connections:

Identify near-term and long-term safe crossing points on Highway 43 for all modes of transportation

Establish pedestrian connections that seamlessly link residents to essential goods and services and to neighboring communities, enhancing overall connectivity

Amend Development Code to Align with the Vision

Study Area

The Vision 43 study area consists of the 3.3-mile corridor from the I-205 interchange to the West Linn/Lake Oswego border.


5 months

Use this interactive map to share opportunities, concerns, and suggestions about specific locations along the Vision 43 Corridor. Drop a pin on the map in the area of interest, then tell us more.

Steps to add your comment:

  • Step 1: Click the plus (+) sign 
  • Step 2: Drag a pin onto the map
  • Step 3: Add comment / upload photo
Page last updated: 14 May 2024, 03:14 PM